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Still Lives Summary: 'Jon Red's Still Lives, was shown at the Mowelfund compound in December 1999. This signaled the emergence of digital cinema in the Philippines. The film's tagline declares, "The camera does not move, but the characters do." The camera lies still for the entire duration of the film but the narrative, an intriguing look into a world of drugs and crime, dynamically moves through the lives of the different characters – the druglord Enteng, played by the late Ray Ventura, and his minions, police, and customers played by top theater and movie actors ... The camera acts much like a voyeur, never moving and interfering with the acts and actions of the characters, but exposing the inner workings of drug trafficking in the metropolis.' Philippine Online Chronicles
Year: 1999
Genre :
Runtime: 90 minutes
Release Date: 1999-01-12
Actors :

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