(^^) Celestino y el Vampiro 2003 Stream HD

Where can I watch Celestino y el Vampiro online free

Celestino y el Vampiro Summary: In Old San Juan a 40+ year old divorcée is not aware he befriends a vampire who bites women, not in their necks but in their derrières, leaving them with flattened behinds. A vampire hunter from Europe warns Celestino about his neighbor and tries to recruit his help in salvaging a much cherished national heritage. But there is a difficulty: this vampire will not die by a stake through his heart and to avoid destruction he wears tin underwear.
Year: 2003
Genre : Comedy
Runtime: 90 minutes
Release Date: 2003-10-27
Actors : Axel Anderson, Jaime Hamilton, René Monclova, Eugenio Monclova, Amneris Morales

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